Arc Flash Hazard Analysis

Power Studies Group, LLC conducts comprehensive arc-flash hazard analysis to protect workers from dangerous conditions caused by an electrical arc.

Calculating the incident energy at subject equipment involves

  • The calculated three-phase bolted fault from the short-circuit study.

  • Protective device opening time from the coordination study

When necessary, several operating scenarios are conducted to determine the worst-case incident energy resulting from generated low- and high-fault current.

Appropriate Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) are selected based on the calculated incident energy and chosen in accordance with NFPA 70ER “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” guidelines. Shock Protection Boundaries are also included in the Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis and are selected from NFPA 70ER based on equipment voltage level.

Applicable Standards

Power Studies Group conducts comprehensive arc-flash hazard analyses based on IEEE Std 1584TM – 2018 and NFPA 70ER 2021 edition.

Arc Flash Hazard Mitigation

While performing arc-flash hazard analysis is a seemingly easy task, challenges arise in mitigating areas with high incident energy. Power Studies Group takes pride in their expertise and ability to undertake the task of formulating solutions for very complex projects. Power Studies Group uses several techniques and recommends innovative solutions to mitigate high incident energy down to safer levels without sacrificing a system’s coordination and reliability.