Short Circuit Studies

Electrical systems are often subject to accidental faults, either as the result of electrical equipment failure or unintentional human error. Short-circuits may occur between

  • Phase and ground

  • Phase and Neutral

  • Two or three phases

Overheating, fire, explosion, and significant system damages are the immediate results of short-circuits. Short-circuit analysis is performed to account for worst-case three-phase bolted faults in the electrical system under normal and emergency operating conditions.

Equipment Duty Analysis

The calculated fault currents in the short-circuit study are then compared to the equipment-published interrupting rating to ensure their adequate application. In the event that overdutied equipment is discovered within the system, Power Studies Group makes clear and concise recommendations to best mitigate the problem.

Applicable Standards

IEEE Violet Book standard 551 “Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems”, provides the basis for conducting the analysis.